The events of the game take place all in the same long-suffering town called Stillwater, which the Saints have completely taken over. Their group grew, there were much more fighters in it, and in general, now the Saints became legends and even began to produce their own sneakers and energy drinks. But all this led to the fact that the leaders of the Syndicate organization began to take a closer look at the Saints, and now it is with them that you will have to fight for Stillwater. And believe me, this battle will take a lot of lives … Hover planes, human cannonball cars, and incredible melee weapons are part of the fun.Có thể bạn thích: Cursed Armor/詛咒鎧甲 Full Crack Weapons of Blatant Destruction – Defeating your enemies is one thing. Take part in a tank skydive, call on a Mexican wrestling gang with a satellite airstrike, and fight against a highly skilled military force that you alone have in the most edgy gameplay scenarios ever seen. They refuse to kneel before the Syndicate and lead the battle to Steelport, a once proud metropolis that has become a fighting city of sin under the control of the Syndicate. The Syndicate, a legendary criminal brotherhood with farmers around the world, keeps an eye on the Saints and takes tribute. The saints are kings of Stilwater, but their celebrity status has not gone unnoticed. Saints sneakers, Saints energy drinks, and Johnny Gat bobblehead dolls are all available at a store near you. Years after taking Stilwater for themselves, the Third Street Saints went from being a street gang to being a household name. Steelport, the original City of Sin, has been remastered with improved graphics and has never looked this good drowning in sex, drugs, and guns.

Saints Row: The Third Remastered puts you in control of the Saints at the height of their power and you live life to show it.